alexa is one of standard which shows websites popularity, low alexa number (which is mean higher alexa rank) indicates that the website/blog has huge popularity in its regional country. This rank depends on the number of visits and visitors. And now i've just found out a kind trick or you can say "visit exchange".
This website will help you with this ranking things and all of the visits things automatically. you will have the opportunity to rank up your website and increase the number of visitors by redeem 1 point for 1 visitor. And you will get 1 point for 1 visits to another websites affiliated with Alexa Boostup. You only need to register (
here) and click launch autosurf Booster and it will automatically visits various of websites each for 1 point. Enabling your website for autosurf so that another users using autosurf your website will be visited automatically depending on the amount of points you've got.
You can also get 1000 points by reffering your friend to register Alexa boostup.
That is a trick about how to lift up your alexa rank.